48 Case Studies 09: Are You Certified?

Case Study Are You Certified

Photo: ©Mykhaylo from Getty Images Pro via Canva.com

Biff and Mable have been married for 17 years, but their covenant relationship has been fraught with challenges for much of that time. They have two teenage sons who are nearing adulthood, and the prospect of an empty nest leaves Mable filled with dread. As she considers her future, she realizes she knows very little about Biff, and what she does know discourages her.

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies: 9 Are You Certified?

Life Over Coffee Devotions

Desperate for help, Mable approached her pastor for guidance. However, he admitted he did not feel equipped to address the complexities of their marital struggles and advised her to seek a local Christian counselor. Following his suggestion, Mable began a search online for a biblical counselor. In her search, Mable came across your social media platform, which highlights your Christian counseling services. She emailed you, briefly outlining her marital challenges. She wrapped up with this question: “Are you certified?”

Mable’s question reflects her desire for assurance that the counselor she chooses is both competent and aligned with practical biblical principles. Her inquiry reveals her need for confidence as she navigates the sensitive and complex task of addressing long-standing issues in her marriage. Mable’s priority is finding someone she can trust to provide biblical wisdom and practical support.

Case Study Questions

  1. You respond to her with a “yes” or “no,” depending on whether or not you are certified. Based on your reply, what else would you say to encourage her to come to you for counseling?
  2. What does certification by a legit biblical counseling organization mean? Is it necessary to be certified? Why or why not?
  3. What is the difference between a Christian counselor who is certified and one who is not?
  4. Are you certified or not? If not, will you become certified? Please explain your answers.

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