48 Case Studies 11: Don’t Tell Anyone I’m In Counseling

Case Study Don't Tell Anyone I'm In Counseling

Photo: ©pattonmania Getty Images via Canva.com

Mable sought counseling with a specific request: under no circumstances should her pastor find out. Her insistence on anonymity is common among Christians today.

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies 11: Don’t Tell Anyone I’m in Counseling

Life Over Coffee Devotions

Historically, pastors were the primary caregivers for their congregations, walking closely with their people through trials and difficulties. However, in the modern church, many Christians, like Mable, prefer to seek help outside their local churches, turning to parachurch ministries or independent counselors for assistance.

While parachurch organizations and counselors can offer valuable short-term care, God never intended for them to replace the long-term shepherding and accountability that only a local church can provide. Mable, like every believer, will face ongoing struggles with sin and suffering—outside of the counseling season—that require enduring spiritual care. God’s design for this sanctifying process is a person’s family and their local church, where relationships are built on love, truth, and mutual accountability, all under the leadership of shepherds who care for their souls.

The challenge in counseling Mable is to respect her desires while helping her see and value her church as God’s provision for her long-term sanctification and care.

Case Study Questions

  1. Would you counsel Mable? Why or why not?
  2. Would you try to give her a vision for the local church as the long-term solution for care? Why or why not? How would you do it?
  3. Do you believe the local church is God’s answer for the sanctification needs of His people? Please explain.

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