48 Case Studies 45: No More Fun With Biff and Mable

Case Study No More Fun With Biff and Mable

Photo: ©Mladen Zivkovic from Getty Images Signature via Canva.com

Mable laments, “This is not what I signed up for,” reflecting her deep regret over their 11-year marriage. Their relationship has stagnated, feeling more like two individuals cohabiting than a unified partnership. Biff spends his time at work with his friends while Mable escapes into her routines, often turning to cyber friends on social media for connection.

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies 45: No More Fun with Biff and Mable

Life Over Coffee Devotions

Though they attend church together, their involvement is superficial, with no one close enough to speak into their lives or hold them accountable. At home, conversations often devolve into arguments unless they watch a movie to distract themselves, keeping them from conflict.

Biff insists that he wants to be with Mable but values the marriage primarily for practical reasons. He appreciates her household contributions, financial support, and physical intimacy. When pressed, he sheepishly admits that her departure would mean losing these conveniences.

Mable says she is trapped in a lifeless marriage. Without biblical grounds for divorce, she believes there is no escape and resents being in a relationship with a man she views as unmotivated to change. Her frustration increases as she wrestles with the tension between honoring her covenant and enduring a relationship devoid of hope or meaningful connection.

Case Study Questions

  1. When Mable says, “This is not what I signed up for,” what would you tell her?
  2. How would you respond to the church in terms of getting them involved in Biff and Mable’s lives?
  3. What would be your plan to help this couple?

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