Day 5 – Living Boldly: Wait Until You Get a Boss

Day 5 – Living Boldly: Wait Until You Get a Boss

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One of life’s great lessons is learning to respond well when you don’t get what you want—a challenge for 100 out of every 100 people. Coincidentally, if you think that not getting what you want is just something kids deal with, think again. Life is full of unmet expectations, and how you respond to those expectations now will shape your ability to handle the challenges ahead. The good news? Learning to respond humbly to disappointment is a key to living well in God’s world.

Life Over Coffee Devotions

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him 
(James 1:12).

Difficult People Are Everywhere

Have you ever felt like your parents, teachers, or other authority figures were too tough on you? Maybe you’ve thought, “They don’t understand me,” or “They don’t give me what I deserve.” The truth is, everyone has difficult people in their lives—no exceptions. And here’s the reality: there will always be someone in your life who disappoints you and doesn’t meet your expectations.

For example, someday, you’ll have a boss. Every job comes with one; no matter your profession, there will always be an authority over you. Even if you’re self-employed, your customers will be—somewhat—authorities. And when that day comes, guess what? Your boss won’t be perfect either. If you get married, you’ll quickly realize you’ve married another imperfect person. If you don’t learn now how to live with or respond well to disappointing people, your future troubles will multiply.

The Root of the Problem

I used to think most of my problems came from my parents. Then I got a job and realized my frustrations at work were eerily similar to the ones I had at home. The issue wasn’t my parents or my boss—it was me. Thankfully, God stepped into my life and gave me another perspective. When I was born again (John 3:7), He helped me see that I had been living with a victim mentality. I had been blaming others for my struggles instead of taking responsibility for my reactions and trusting Him to guide me.

If you think your parents are hard, and your first reaction is sinful anger or frustration toward them, brace yourself. Life will be hard for you until you address the real problem: your own heart. Your parents, your boss, or anyone else aren’t your biggest issue or barrier to a successful life. You are. But there is hope: the sooner you apply gospel truths to your life, the better it will be.

Gospel Solutions for Life’s Disappointments

Instead of blaming others, ask God to reorient your thinking and help you respond to disappointment with humility. Jesus modeled this for us. Though He was treated unfairly, He entrusted Himself to God (1 Peter 2:23). His example shows us how to rise above frustration and trust God’s plan.

Time to Reflect

  1. How do you typically respond when others disappoint you? Your reactions to unmet desires reveal your level of maturity. Are you growing in humility, or are you stuck in anger, grumbling, and frustration?
  2. What do your responses to frustrations reveal about your relationship with God? Do they point to trust and dependence on Him or self-centered thinking?
  3. Take time today to consider how you typically respond to disappointment. Ask the Lord to show you areas where you need to grow, and trust Him to help you move forward. Life will always have its challenges, but with Christ at the center, you can navigate them with grace and maturity.

Let’s live boldly, choosing humility and trust in the One who never disappoints.

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