Ep. 300 A Five-point Leadership Analysis To Evaluate Yourself

Ep. 300 A Four-Point Leadership Analysis To Evaluate Yourself

Photo: ©KatarzynaBialasiewicz Getty Images Pro via Canva.com

Shows Main Idea – In this episode, Rick walks you through the four-point leadership assessment process that he implements to help his students identify their strengths and weaknesses while giving them an idea of how they can best serve God in their communities. These four concepts apply to all Christians, including your children, as it gives you a leadership template for understanding and helping them to mature in Christ.

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Life Over Coffee · Ep. 300 A Four Point Leadership Analysis to Evaluate Yourself

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No two leaders are the same because God has a different calling and experience for each of us. Some folks are outstanding in one area while others excel in that place that is unique to their gift-mix. When a person comes to us for training, we have a process for assessing them, hoping to place them in God’s world and to see them optimally using the specific gifts that He gave them.

At a Glance Infographic

Five Point Leadership Analysis

More Detailed Mindmap (Since the development of this podcast, I added another category, compassion.)

Four Point Leadership Analysis

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