Ep. 330 Take a Psychological Selfie of Yourself and Friends

Ep. 330 Take a Psychological Selfie of Yourself and Friends

Photo: ©MART PRODUCTIONS from Pexels via Canva.com

Shows Main Idea – Though you never want to judge a person uncharitably, the wise person will spend time thinking about others, analyzing them and hoping to learn the kind of person they are. Our associations speak volumes about the type of people we are, so knowing who others are is of utmost importance. Do you know how to evaluate your friends?

Life Over Coffee · Ep. 330 Take a Psychological Selfie of Yourself and Others

Show Notes

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Topic #1 – Taking a Psychological Selfie of Yourself and Others

We are an assimilation of who and what influences us, and those two things will impact the kind of life they will have.

  • Friends – The kind of people you want to engage in a conversation
    • Who gravitates to you
    • Who do you gravitate toward
    • Work, church, school, hobbies, and community
  • Media – Social media, books, television, music
    • The types of things you do on social media, e.g., selfies
  • Don’t let what they tell you fool you.

Topic #2 – A Subtle Way We Lose Cultural Ground for Biblical Advancement

  • Three cultural labels don’t appear wrong at first glance.
  • Warning: The danger of becoming word police. Don’t do that. We can be clear and direct without being unkind.
  • Whenever we take a universal label and modify it by placing another word in front of it, the original term loses its meaning.

Three Unhelpful Labels

  1. Biological male implies there are other males like a female who wants to be a male.
  2. Traditional marriage implies other marriage, gay, sologamy (marrying yourself), and polyamorous (multiple people married).
  3. African-American – Though I understand the intent and appeal of the term, it leads to identity politics that tear away at an American-centric culture. The focus of our identity should be Imago Dei, character, etc.

Carefully steward the point of this topic without becoming the word police, reacting harshly to others when they use these terms.

Topic #3 – What Kind of Discipler Are You?

  1. Unengaged: The unengaged discipler – spectator counselor, lack of interest, passivity, etc. All these things are counseling because counseling and discipleship are communicating a message to others.
  2. Experienced: The “personal experience discipler” – They share advice by using their story, something that happened to them.
    1. You will also see them responding to blurbs on social media based on what happened to them, which is usually something harsh, so they are harsh. They can’t read the quote and engage the intent of it, but they hijack it.
  3. Eclectic: The seasoned discipler – They can disciple from a broad spectrum of truth, not just what happened to them.
    1. A good doctor is like this. He knows how to diagnose an issue according to what’s happening rather than providing the same advice and remedy for every person.
    2. You want to grow into the best kind of discipler you can be.

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