Ep. 86 Steve Gallagher Interview With Pure Life Ministries

Ep. 86 Steve Gallagher Interview With Pure Life Ministries

Photo: ©fotodelux from Getty Images Signature via Canva.com

Shows Main Idea – I interviewed Steve Gallagher the founder and chairman of Pure Life Ministries. Steve is also a prolific writer, plus a certified biblical counselor with the International Association of Biblical Counselors.

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Meet Steve Gallagher

Pastor Steve is the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Pure Life Ministries. He is a prolific writer, having authored 12 books, including the best-selling At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry. He is also a regularly featured columnist in both print and web media.

Steve holds an Associates of Arts degree from Sacramento City College and a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Ministry from Master’s International School of Divinity. He is also a certified Biblical Counselor through the International Association of Biblical Counselors (IABC) in Denver, CO.

i – The Root of Sin Exposed – Since the Garden of Eden sin has ravaged people’s lives, leaving behind a plethora of troubling problems such as anxieties, fears, insecurities, confusion, unbelief, bitterness, sexual hang–ups, and even addictions. Most people look for answers in all the wrong places.

They ought to look within. They ought to look at i. i is the “self–life.” i is the core of the fallen human nature. i is the realm where sin grows and flourishes. i: the root of sin exposed unravels the mystery of the corrupted human nature, and convincingly proves that all of man’s struggles with sin can be traced to the pride–driven “self–life” that emerges from it.

Rather than relying on trendy quick–fixes, this book digs deeply into the treasures of Scripture to provide struggling believers everything they need to deal with their problems at the root level: the inescapable, ever–present i.

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