Boasting In Weakness

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Boasting In Weakness (24,574 words) – The key to sound decision-making lies in aligning your heart with the mind of God. In this primer, you’ll explore the spiritual and practical aspects of making choices that honor Him. Through biblical principles and practical strategies, you’ll learn how to discern God’s will, evaluate your motivations, and clarify your direction. This book will equip you to think biblically and act decisively, enabling you to serve God and others more effectively. With its focus on heart transformation, You Decide will help you make God-honoring decisions in every area of life, from the small to the significant.


Boasting In Weakness (24,574 words)

The situational difficulties we face are the contexts that reveal our hearts, which is how God purifies our faith and obedience. These personal, relational, and situational challenges allow us to follow Jesus in the Christian’s call to suffer well. This book will teach you how to become clay in the hands of the Potter so He can show you how He perfects His strength in your weakness.

It’s a counterintuitive message that parallels the gospel; Christ became nothing so the power of God could transform the world. Perhaps there are other-worldly reasons for what is happening to you. Maybe God is teaching you not to rely on yourself but on Him who raises the dead. May this book show you how to magnify Christ through jars of clay.
