A White Guy And Black Guy Talk about Racial Issues

A White Guy And Black Guy Talk about Racial Issues

Photo: ©Rido via Canva.com

I sat down with Darrell Harrison and interviewed him on race-related topics that have been current and long-standing issues in our American culture. Darrell is a Christian black man who writes about race and culture. The six questions that I asked him are below.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

  • Are you a negro, colored, black, or African American? Why has it changed, and why does it matter?
  • What is your perspective on interracial marriage?
  • What is your perspective on the Confederate flag?
  • What do you think about the Washington Redskin controversy?
  • What frustrates you about white people?
  • What about theologians speaking on racial issues?

Meet Darrell Harrison

Darrell B. Harrison is is a native of Atlanta, Georgia but currently resides in Valencia, California, where he serves as Dean of Social Media at  Grace To You, the teaching and preaching ministry of Dr. John MacArthur.

He is a fellow of the Black Theology and Leadership Institute (BTLI) of Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey, and a 2015 graduate of the Theology and Ministry certificate program at Princeton Theological Seminary. Prior to his studies at Princeton Seminary, he attended Liberty University, where he maintained a 4.0 GPA, majoring in Psychology with a specialization in Christian Counseling.

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Darrell was the first African-American to be ordained a Deacon in the nearly 200-year history of First Baptist Church of Covington, Georgia, where he attended from 2009 to 2015, during which time he taught an inter-generational Sunday School class. He is an ardent student of theology and apologetics and has a particular interest in the writings of Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, C.S. Lewis, R.C. Sproul, and J. Gresham Machen, among many others.

He is an advocate of expository teaching and preaching and has a particular passion for seeing the Word of God offered in such a manner within the “Black Church,” that is, churches traditionally composed of black congregants. Darrell enjoys writing, reading, working out, watching college and pro football, and cooking.

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