Personal, Relational, and Situational Counseling Help
If you are looking for a counselor or need to locate one for someone, this page will guide you. Please read carefully. Due to Rick’s ongoing oversight of the ministry, he is not available for counseling sessions.
This Donor and Member-supported website is not a counseling site. We provide advice and perspectives through our resources.
Rick’s Books
- Marriage: Get Ready
- Trials: Suffering Well
- Transformation: Change Me
If you want to receive counseling, we recommend you click on the banner that takes you to where you may find a personal counselor. The Counseling Solutions Group, Inc. is not responsible for any outcomes or results from any advice from this site or the counseling that you receive from any contact you make from our site.
Make a Long-term Plan
We believe counseling is a good start toward the process of change, but we also realize that meeting with a counselor only is not enough for the long-term transformation that we all need. Situational difficulty does not come to you quickly or all at once. It is typically the accumulative effect of many years of challenges.
It will take more than a season for a person to successfully work through the necessary changes to live effectively in God’s world. If I asked you to lose one-hundred pounds over the next few months, you would envision significant lifestyle changes coming your way. You would also expect the change process to involve more than two hours per week.
There is no magic in weight loss. It takes work. Similarly, you can liken your spiritual well-being to the physical challenges needed for effective change. Your counseling must be comprehensive and geared toward realistic and measurable goals.
Someone once said if you continue doing the same things you have been doing, you can expect similar results. In that sense, your future can be predictable by looking at your past.
The good news is if you determine to make radical changes in your thinking and behaviors, you can expect complete and satisfying lifestyle changes. Your transformation requires more than counseling.
We suggest you become a member of our training site. It is the most inexpensive and effective way for you to receive ongoing care. Though we do not counsel on our member’s site, you will be able to access Rick’s lifetime work. Our website is an “all you can eat” sanctification center that is the perfect complement to your ongoing desire to change.