48 Case Studies: Equipping Christians for Discipleship

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48 Case Studies: Equipping Christians for Discipleship (13,500 words) is one of the most challenging and encouraging training manuals for your toolbox. These are the case studies we use in our world-class Mastermind Training Program. Take the plunge. Challenge yourself, and ensure you work through them with a friend, doing life over coffee as you spur one another on to love and good works.


48 Case Studies: Equipping Christians for Discipleship (13,500 words) – Our all-online Mastermind training course equips Christians to become compassionate and competent disciple-makers. The program has three parts. The foundational piece is theology—the study of God. What we know about and how we think about the Almighty is the bedrock upon which we build our Christian lives. Theologically precise Christians can live well in God’s world, but they need more than theology. Bible knowledge can provide an orthodoxy with a deficient orthopraxy (practice), which is why our students receive more than sound theological training.

We teach them psychology, too. Psychology is “psyche logos,” or the “study of the soul,” or the “Word concerning the soul.” We call this sanctification—the practical application of theology to our everyday lives. Our students must know how to connect God’s Word—the psychology book—to their souls and those they serve. Most biblical counseling training is academic and theoretical. There is little “original knowledge,” which is taking “classical knowledge” (God’s Word) and contextualizing it in real-world relationships and situations. Thus, we provide our students with theology and biblical psychology, with an emphasis on practical application. We must be more than theorists.

Too often, discipleship training does not get into the nuts and bolts of our real lives, making the third phase of our Mastermind training essential. We want our students to add to their studies of God and humanity. We require them to make it practical by applying their training to everyday situations. In real estate, it’s about location, location, location. At Life Over Coffee, it’s about application, application, application. We help our students do this in several ways, one of which is our case study training manual. Throughout their Mastermind Program, we require each student to complete one case study for every block of assignments. There are forty-eight blocks altogether. The case studies are approximately 250 words, and there are two to five questions for them to answer for each fictional scenario.

This book has all forty-eight case studies. (The expanded version has the leader notes, which are our analysis of the forty-eight case studies.) We ask our students to write a comprehensive response about how they might counsel each situation. Once submitted, we challenge them on what they said.

This book is an excellent training tool for the Christian discipler. It is perfect for small group discussions. (The expanded version provides leader notes and practical details to assist the trainer.) This book is also ideal for counselor training because it will challenge the student to go beyond counseling theory. The hardest part of our program is, without question, these case studies. Christians enjoy reading about theology and counseling theory. They love gaining knowledge from so many terrific authors—as they should. But when it comes to doing the work of discipleship while relying on the Spirit and His Word, the level of difficulty increases exponentially as it involves the application of God’s Word.

We want our students to have more than fantastic Christian knowledge and a theoretical understanding of life. We want them to know how to apply their theology to real lives. These case studies help accomplish that goal. If you think you might be interested in our Mastermind Program, please get in touch with us at Life Over Coffee. It would be a pleasure to explore that possibility with you. As you are thinking about that option, please share our case studies with your friends. Engage your friends. Talk about how you’d counsel the individuals, couples, families, and situations presented in this manual.

My professor, Stuart Scott, said, “Wisdom is knowledge applied.” May you continue to grow in the knowledge of God’s Word, and may your skill at applying it practically into your life and your friends grow proportionally.

To God be the glory,