Describe Your Friendships

The most important relationship in your life is God. And the most practical way to experience Him is in a community of like-minded believers who are intentional about helping each other mature in their relationships with Him.

To know God better means your primary relationships should provide you contexts to deepen your experience with Him. If your primary contacts do not give you that kind of care, you should consider changing your closest network of friends.

While it is true that evil companions can corrupt your morals (1 Corinthians 15:33), it is also true that good friends can make you a better person. Good friends are a substantial reason you should pursue biblical companions–those who want to motivate you to live a God-glorifying life.

Here is a set of questions that Lucia and I ask each other regularly. These conversation starters get the ball rolling as we transparently share our experience with God—the good and the bad of it–with each other. I recommend them to you.

1. What has the Lord taught you lately?
2. How have you applied what He taught you to your life?
3. What have you read or heard that is helping you in your walk with God?
4. What specific areas are you struggling?
5. How can I serve you in a particular area of your sanctification?
6. What are some ways in which you are leading your friends?

Time to Reflect

1. How do you characterize your closest relationships?
2. Will you use our questions to strengthen your friendships?