War Within

All of us have a war within our hearts, as James explained in James 4:1-3. This war manifests when heat enters our lives, whether through relational challenges or situational difficulties. James asked, “What causes quarrels and conflicts among you?” He reveals that these arise from the war within us.

When heat comes into our lives, it jostles our idols. James uses the word ‘coveting’: we covet and do not have, so we become angry. Our hearts are filled with passions and desires, which are essentially idols. When these idols are disturbed, anger emerges.

To understand this process, consider it in reverse: sinful anger signifies a war within, driven by coveting, passions, and desires. In His mercy, God brings heat into our lives to expose these idols, and our resulting anger reveals their presence.

When helping someone, guide them to discern the war within. Use a graphic to illustrate this concept and delve into the details: what are they coveting? What are their passions and desires? These terms all point to the same issue—unmet desires leading to sinful responses. Once identified, you can walk them through a repentance process, addressing these heart issues biblically.