Day 22 – Living Boldly: Disciple Your Parents

Day 22 - Teen Devotion: Disciple Your Parents

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Today’s focus is on a challenging but vital responsibility: discipling your parents. As a believer, you are called to disciple and evangelize those in your sphere of influence—and that includes your family. Being an adult means acting like an adult, which expects you to come alongside other adults, helping them in their relationship with God. To love God and love others as you love yourself implies caring well for all people, even those who have had authority over you.

Life Over Coffee · Day 22 – Living Boldly: Disciple Your Parents

Rick’s 31-Day Devotions

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways (1 Corinthians 13:11).

Your Ministry Starts at Home

Your ministry doesn’t begin when you move out of your childhood home or start your own life. It begins now, within your family. Loving others as Christ loves you includes the individuals closest to you, like your siblings and parents. As a child, you primarily received care from your parents or guardians.

But as you grow, your role within the family shifts. Maturing spiritually means stepping into a caregiver’s role, not only physically but also spiritually.

Honoring Your Parents Through Discipleship

Honoring your parents includes offering biblical care. This expectation might involve encouragement or correction, depending on the situation. Some people wrongly believe that correcting their parents is unloving, but the opposite is true. Lovingly pointing out a wayward path can be one of the most honoring and loving things you can do for anyone, including your parents.

Remember, discipleship isn’t about criticism but care. When you lovingly correct or encourage your parents, you mirror God’s love and care for you. This worldview is part of living out the gospel in your home.

Time to Reflect

  1. Is it time for you to take your care to the next level? Reflect on your spiritual maturity.
  2. Are you ready to disciple your parents with humility and love?
    1. If so, what does discipling them mean, practically speaking?
    2. What hinders you from bringing biblical care to your parents?
    3. Are you afraid of their reaction?
    4. Do you believe you are inadequate? Pray, asking God to give you the wisdom and courage to step into this role.

Practical Steps

  1. Begin by praying for your parents daily. Ask God to work in their hearts and give you opportunities to encourage or guide them.
  2. Look for ways to serve them practically, demonstrating Christ’s love through your actions.
  3. When correction is necessary, approach them with humility and respect, focusing on God’s truth rather than your preferences.
  4. Take time today to evaluate your relationship with your parents. Ask God to help you love them well, both in encouragement and correction, as you step into this maturing role.

Let’s live boldly, embracing our calling to disciple and honor our parents in Christ-like love.

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