If you want a detailed breakdown regarding communication, it’s critical you read these three articles in the order that they are linked here.
If you answer no to any of those questions, your first call to action is repentance.
Though there is an element of “giving” in all these concepts, the last one (serving) is all about giving to others. The idea with the first eight is for the individual to receive soul care, and the last element is for the person to export what others have poured into him. He may “give” by actively participating in the first eight concepts, but it’s important that the idea of serving stands alone so that there is always a reminder of what Jesus said, “I did not come here to be served but to serve.” (Mark 10:45)
Rick launched the Life Over Coffee global training network in 2008 to bring hope and help for you and others by creating resources that spark conversations for transformation. His primary responsibilities are resource creation and leadership development, which he does through speaking, writing, podcasting, and educating.
In 1990 he earned a BA in Theology and, in 1991, a BS in Education. In 1993, he received his ordination into Christian ministry, and in 2000 he graduated with an MA in Counseling from The Master’s University. In 2006 he was recognized as a Fellow of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC).