Marriage Day 2 – The Most Important Thing

What is the most important quality you would like to have in your marriage? Of all the qualities to choose from, there is one transcending quality that must be at the top of your list. That one transcending quality is God’s glory. If your desire to glorify God is the chief aim of your life and marriage, there is a fantastic chance you will experience a meaningful and satisfying relationship with your spouse, even should your spouse not meet all of your expectations. There is nothing that transcends this God-centered quality in His image bearers. Suppose your chief aim in life is to spread the fame of God. In that case, you can be comforted by the fact that even sin or non-sinful disappointments and let downs will not overcome your dogged and steadfast determination to be like Jesus—a primary way to glorify God (Ephesians 5:1; 1 Corinthians 11:1). Whenever sin makes its advances, your determination to glorify God will win the war against sin’s intent. When the guardian of your heart is the glory of the Lord, you’re in the best place to be a good friend, a great lover, and a wonderful spouse. There are many tools available to help you more effectively glorify God. May I share three of them with you?