Where Do I Go From Here?

The grace of God is sufficient for you, no matter what may be happening in your life. His grace is more significant than any of your challenges. When you need a direction to take, there is one that will untangle your problems, answer your questions, and bring other-wordly satisfaction.

To despair over your disappointments is not what God has called you to do. He wants you to trust Him no matter how formidable the enemy appears to be at this moment. As you think about your next steps in life, here are six tips that will aid you in appropriating God’s transforming grace into your life.

1 – Genetic, familial, or cultural influences do not have to bind you. You can break any binding and create a satisfying life. What is the primary control that shapes your life?

2 – You have to root the foundation to change in the gospel. A gospel starting point will give you a gospel ending point. Is the gospel your starting point?

3 – Never ask if you are worshiping. Everybody is “bowing the knee” to something. The question for you to ponder is, “Who or what are you worshiping?” What is the primary object of your worship?

4 – The starting place for change is not your external behavior, but your heart. Perhaps you need to change behaviorally, but what needs to change in your heart? Your practices flow from your heart.

5 – Transformation is not primarily about the parent or the teenager, but about God. Let the Lord be your starting point. What does your submission to your parents, or lack thereof, reveal about your relationship with the Lord?

6 – The “event of salvation” is not the goal. It’s the “new beginning” that places you on the long-term path for a God-glorifying life. If you are a believer, how have you been changing since the day God saved you?

Time to Reflect

1. Choose one of the six tips from the list to make your focus over the next few days.

2. Write a specific plan for implementing that tip into your life. Find a mentor friend to share what the Lord is teaching you.