48 Case Studies 07: When Prayer Kills a Church

Case Study When Prayer Kills a Church

Photo: ©doidam10 via Canva.com

Biff is an angry man whose temper has caused significant issues in his marriage. Two weeks ago, Mable gave him an ultimatum: seek help or face the end of their marriage. In response, Biff reluctantly attended church with Mable last Sunday—the first time in over 11 years.

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies: 7 When Prayer Kills a Church

Life Over Coffee Devotions

Mable’s church is a solid, God-loving, conservative community with authentic relationships and a deep affection for Christ. However, Biff found the experience deeply uncomfortable. During the worship service, he was unsettled by the congregants lifting their hands in praise. Before the sermon, the pastor invited the congregation to gather in small groups for prayer, making it clear that their participation was optional.

When it was Biff’s turn to pray, he felt humiliated, angry, and judged by the strangers in his group. The experience left him feeling alienated rather than welcomed by them, which heightened his resistance to ever going back. Now, Mable faces a challenging situation.

She wants to honor God in her marriage but doesn’t know how to navigate Biff’s reaction. Additionally, the pastor, noticing Biff’s discomfort, asked Mable about her husband’s response to the service, leaving her unsure how to proceed in helping Biff without driving him further away.

Case Study Questions

  1. Should the church people seek to be who they are unashamedly, or should they be more attentive to the seeker’s expectations? Explain your answer.
  2. The pastor asked Mable about Biff’s response to the church meeting. What would you tell him if you were Mable?
  3. What are the pros of the seeker-sensitive movement?
  4. What are the cons to the seeker-sensitive movement?

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