48 Case Studies 17: Cheap Plates Help Overcome Anger

Case Study Cheap Plates Help Overcome Anger

Photo: ©Professional Studio from Getty Images via Canva.com

Biff sought counseling for his anger and shared that his previous counselor suggested buying cheap plates to throw into the fireplace whenever he felt anger rising. Biff explained that the sound, the aim, and the shattering effect temporarily helped him vent his anger. The advice stemmed from the psychologist’s belief that anger operates like a hydraulic system: pressure builds inside, and releasing it prevents an “emotional explosion.”

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies 17: Cheap Plates Overcome Anger

Life Over Coffee Devotions

To validate the theory, the psychologist used phrases:

  • “I was boiling mad.”
  • “You just need to let off steam.”
  • “I have to get away, or I’m going to explode.”

Unfortunately, these metaphors were not just descriptors of feelings but were used to diagnose the problem, albeit inaccurately. If this idea were true, Biff’s metaphorical pressure would diminish with every shattered plate, but the pattern continued, revealing that venting didn’t address the heart of Biff’s issue. The truth is that his anger was not an uncontrollable force victimizing him. It was a habitual sin response stemming from fear and a refusal to trust God at the moment. Anger seeks to manipulate circumstances and people back into a more comfortable and ordered state for the raging soul.

Case Study Questions

  1. What is your theology of anger?
  2. Write a detailed plan to help Biff overcome his problem.

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