48 Case Studies 16: You Need to Please God

Case Study You Need to Please God

Photo: ©Anemone123 from pixabay via Canva.com

Mable struggles with the fear of man, often described as people-pleasing or codependency. Her functional theology is performance-driven, centering on earning approval from others rather than resting in Christ’s finished work. This exhausting lifestyle has left her broken and ready for change. While she is a believer, her faith feels more burdensome than joyful.

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies 16: You Need to Please God

Life Over Coffee Devotions

When Mable sought help from a biblical counselor, the counselor correctly identified her primary issue as the fear of man. The counselor encouraged her to shift her focus to God’s opinion of her and to prioritize pleasing Him over others. This advice was liberating for Mable, who was weary of living under the control of others’ expectations. With a renewed sense of hope, Mable began the counselor’s suggestions. She started reading two books, set aside time for daily journaling, and increased her prayer time.

Despite initial optimism, Mable felt overwhelmed and anxious within two weeks. She struggled to maintain the disciplines while managing her other responsibilities, and her inability to do so led to fears that God was displeased with her. Mable returned to her counselor, expressing her frustration and concern. She felt trapped between the expectations of others and the pressures she had placed on herself to meet God’s standards.

Case Study Questions

  1. Where did the counselor go wrong?
  2. If you were counseling Mable, how would you approach her situation?
  3. What does the counselor’s advice to Mable reveal about the counselor’s theology and practice
  4. What five assignments would you give her to help her overcome the fear of others? Make three assignments short-term and the other two long-term.

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