Day 19 – Teen Devotion: “Will God Forgive Me?”

Day 19 - Teen Devotion Will God Forgive Me

Photo: ©fizkes from Getty Images via Canva.com

The gospel frees us from all our past sins, but some Christians do not know how to experience release. There are things in the rearview mirror that continue to drag them down. To live in the freedom of a guilt-free life is an elusive dream. It does not have to be that way. I have some fantastic news for you.

Read Rick’s 31-Day Devotions

Some sins can feel so significant that the gospel appears small in overcoming those transgressions. If your sin feels that substantial to you, it’s time to come to terms with the gospel. When Jesus talked about it being finished, He meant that there is nothing else to do to earn God’s favor. There is no need for and no possibility of any other person paying for anyone’s sin. The work is complete. There is no sin outside of God’s ability to forgive.

Part of this problem is a willingness to admit what we did wrong. I acutely understand how hard it is to own personal sin. There are many things I would choose to do than tell the truth about myself. But I have learned in my old age that if I am not honest with myself, there is a possibility I will spin off into a distorted, self-deceptive existence.

Without God’s grace that empowers me and real biblical friendships to help me, there would be no recovery for my struggles with transgressions. If you are struggling with past sin, here are three crucial things for you to do. Work through them in this order.

  1. Pray – Tell the truth to God about what you did.
  2. Confess – Ask God to forgive you.
  3. Confide – Find a friend to talk to about this process.

Time to Reflect

  1. What is the hardest part of what you have read? Why is it so difficult?
  2. Is there a sin hanging over you like a dark cloud? Will you make a plan to do what I’ve asked you?

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