Ep. 112 A Biblical Perspective On Disorders

Ep. 112 A Biblical Perspective On Disorders

Photo: ©Syda Productions via Canva.com

Shows Main Idea – Understanding disorders through a biblical lens is rare for today’s Christian. In this episode, Rick walks you through how to think about behavioral disorders using the Bible as your presupposition.

Show Notes

  1. Intimidation through cultural “psychological” influence
  2. Biblical unawareness leads to acceptance of cultural influences
  3. Re-adaption of the Garrett Higbee slides, used by permission
  4. Presuppositional truth forms your starting point
    1. No neutral facts
    2. Two people staring at the sun
  5. Presupposition = Perspective (starting point, beginning, worldview)
    1. If you start wrong, you will end wrong
  6. Slide One – Behavioral Disorders (below)

    1. These are cultural labels for problems
    2. They created these labels because they reject the Bible
    3. The issues are real, not fake
      1. If you reject the Bible’s view on problems, you have to build another construct
        1. Creationism v. Evolution
    4. Step One – Relabel disorder biblically
      1. Impulsive
      2. Anxious
      3. Depressive
      4. Disruptive
        1. This relabeling does not negate or dismiss the reality, but changes the worldview and, thus, solution
  7. Slide Two – Interconnected Sin Cycle (below)

    1. Your perspective will affect your thinking
    2. You’re building on lies if your thinking does not come from Scripture
    3. Perspective leads to Thinking, which leads to Emotions, which leads to Behaviors
      1. And those behaviors affirm your perspective, which is how you get into a “sin cycle.”
  8. Slide Three: Biblical Typology (below)

    1. DSMV label changes to Impulsive, which we change to Folly
    2. DSMV label changes to Anxious, which we change to Worry
    3. DSMV label changes to Depressive, which we change to Despair
    4. DSMV label changes to Disruptive, which we change to Rebellion
      1. These changes bring hope to the Christian because we now understand what’s going on with a person
      2. It also makes you less intimidated by the observed behavior
  9. Slide Four – Condition of Heart (below)

    1. We can do more than observe outward behavior (like the culture does)
    2. We can examine the heart (Luke 6:45; James 1:14-15)
      1. The Bible allows you to look underneath the problem to help with heart change
      2. The culture gives you a pill to alter behavior
        1. A person may need medication in some cases, but that does not mean heart-work can’t happen
    3. Impulsive to Folly is identified as a heart of Foolishness
    4. Anxious to Worry is identified as a heart of Fear
    5. Depressive to Despair is identified as a heart of Hopelessness
    6. Disruptive to Rebellion is identified as a heart of Anger
  10. Slide Five – Heart Issues (below)

    1. A person does something Foolish (becomes angry with someone)
    2. They realize it and Worry
    3. Now they are Despairing as they continue to think about what they did
    4. This anxiousness leads to Rebellion
    5. And, finally, rather than repenting, they are confused and frustrated, which motivates them to do something Foolish
      1. And the cycle continues
      2. Sin (Foolishness to Worry to Despair to Rebellion) does not segregate but interrelates
      3. You must think comprehensively about people
    6. Question: Is the problem a universal problem that happens in every context of their lives?
      1. E.g., can’t pay attention in some contexts but not all contexts
      2. E.g., gets angry in some contexts but not all contexts
        1. This problem points to a character issue, not an organic issue because they are able to keep from doing the behavior at times
      3. You want to get at the heart of the character issues, i.e., shaping influences
      4. Caution: Don’t dismiss organic problems or possibilities but strive to be biblical
  11. Slide Six – Long-Term Consequences (below)

    1. Impulsive – Folly – Foolishness – Blameshifting
    2. Anxious – Worry – Fear – False Guilt/Shame
    3. Depression – Despair – Hopelessness – Victim Mindset
    4. Disruptive – Rebellion – Anger – Hatred
      1. It is impossible to get to this biblical understanding of problems from a cultural presupposition
  12. Slide Seven – God’s Answers (below)

    1. Impulsive – Folly  – Foolishness – Blameshifting to Self-Control
    2. Anxious – Worry – Fear – False Guilt to Trust

      1. Unpack what trust means or what kills faith
      2. Don’t say, “Trust God,” and leave it at that
      3. Faith Killers are anger, fear, and ignorance
    3. Depression – Despair – Hopelessness – Victim Mindset to Hope
    4. Disruptive – Rebellion – Anger – Hatred to Obedience
  13. Slide Eight – Sanctification Cycle (below)

    1. Right perspective
    2. Leads to right thoughts
    3. Which leads to right emotions
    4. Which leads to right behaviors
    5. Which affirms our perspective

Behavioral Disorder Slides

Slide One – Behavioral Disorders

Behavioral Disorders slides 1

Slide Two – Interconnected Sin Cycle

Behavioral Disorders slides 2

Slide Three – Biblical Typology

Behavioral Disorders slides 3

Slide Four – Condition of Heart

Behavioral Disorders slides 4

Slide Five – Heart Issues

Behavioral Disorders slides 5

Slide Six – Long-Term Consequences

Behavioral Disorders slides 6

Slide Seven – God’s Answers

Behavioral Disorders slides 7

Slide Eight – Sanctification Cycle

Behavioral Disorders slides 8

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