Ep. 177 An Exceptional Marriage Book for You

Ep. 177 An Exceptional Marriage Book for You

Photo: ©AntonioGuillem from Getty Images via Canva.com

Shows Main Idea – Get Ready – For Your Best Marriage Now – If you are thinking about dating, courtship, or getting married, this could be the most important book you’ll ever read. I realize what I just wrote may come across as an overstatement or hyperbolic marketing, but it is not.

Show Notes

I have been in the counseling “business” for many years, and the most common situation I have counseled are marriages in trouble. These troubled marriages did not just happen. The problems in any marriage are rooted in the two people who are married before they were married.

Rick’s Paperback Books:

It’s a Workbook

This book is the culmination of thousands of hours of counseling with marriages that came to me because they either did not know the content of this book, did not know how to apply it or refused to use what they knew. All of their marriages were in trouble, and they hoped to reverse years of poor decision-making and relational conflict.

What you are about to read has been field tested. It will work for you in proportion to your willingness to take it to heart while practically applying it to your life and relationship. I recommend that you read this book slowly, reflectively, prayerfully, and conversationally. You may want to read it more than once. This book is not meant to be read and shelved. It is a reusable tool that will never wear out no matter how many times you use it. Do not be afraid: use it often.

At the end of each chapter, I have “call to action” opportunities that are meant to probe your thought life as well as your practical experience. Ask the Spirit of God to open your eyes to see any hidden things. Ask Him to give you the courage to change what needs changing, no matter how hard it feels at the moment. And above all else, expect God’s favor on your life as you humbly submit to His guidance while you move through this resource.

Rick Thomas has crafted another excellent resource with ‘Get Ready’ – For Your Best Marriage Now. This book is a relational masterpiece for those in any phase of dating, pre-engagement, engagement, or marriage.

Rick emphasizes the need to equip couples by following Christ’s model of disciple making, training the whole person to be a thoroughly equipped man or woman. I have personally benefited from the material and the relational writing style Rick uses in this book. Truth balanced by love and compassion is the foundation on which ‘Get Ready’ is based.

Practical information and thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter provide the reader with an application of the contents. This book will be a new addition to our pre-marital counseling resource list. – Julie Ganschow, Director and Biblical Counselor, Reigning Grace Counseling Center and author of “Living Beyond the Heart of Betrayal: Biblically Addressing the Pain of Sexual Sin.”


If You Are Married

Rick has a way with his writing of getting to the point of Scripture application in a deep and really practical way. So is the case with this look at marriage preparation. He takes us on an awesome look into the Scriptures regarding relationships moving toward marriage, but these thoughts also keenly apply to current marriages.

What makes Rick’s books stand out is the way he presses us, the readers, to slow down and thoughtfully apply truths to our lives. Foundational to marriage and cutting against the grain of so many marriage books today, Rick takes us to Genesis 1–3 in a beautifully unique way, helping us see that being made in God’s image shows that Adam needed Eve to reflect the community, Trinitarian nature of God fully.

He didn’t need her love or respect. Instead, God created her to complete this image of God’s picture fully. What follows is a deeper look at God’s design of marital function. ‘Get Ready’ isn’t a book of self-help but of God-exalting Scripture application. Work through this book whether married or not! – Derek Black, MA Biblical Counseling, Pastor of Acts 247 Recovery Church, Soldotna, AK

This book is for you, too. Perhaps your marriage has hit the rocks. After years of muddling through, you feel as though you’ve lost all hope. Your hope is not lost. I wrote this book for people who want a great marriage. The content applies (1) to those who have yet to tie the knot, (2) to those who have tied the knot, and (3) to those who have untied the knot.

Whether pre-married, married, or post-married, the content of this book is about how to have a God-glorifying and mutually enjoyable marriage. If that is what you want, this is what you need. Don’t be discouraged; be hopeful. God is a Healer of the hurting. If you are one of the hurting ones because your marriage went to the wrong place, I appeal to you to set aside some time to read this resource.

Find a friend to walk with you through it. Ask the Father to restore the brokenness. Expect His mercy and favor. I do not know if the Lord can transform your marriage, but I do know He can make your life better than what it is. The content in this book can assist you in that beautiful cause.

Greenville, SC

As a pastor and counselor, I am constantly on the lookout for resources that can help me to assist people seeking aid in relationships and their marriages. ‘Get Ready’ does this in a very thoughtful way by looking at the issues, from premarital dating to deep relational hurts, identifying the root cause of marital problems.

In an easy to read format, Rick’s examination takes the biblical route to the heart of the couple. His message helps couples to see that the heart is where problems originate. The book is thoroughly biblical while exceptionally practical. ‘Get Ready’ is a collection of wisdom that every discerning pastor or counselor will want on his shelf. – Dr. Mark Schmitz, Director of SoulCareNC Counseling, Hickory, NC, Pastor, East Hickory Church, Hickory, NC

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