Ep. 329 Webinar: Persevering When Life Turns You Upside Down

Ep. 329 Webinar Persevering When Life Turns You Upside Down

Photo: ©MART PRODUCTIONS from Pexels via Canva.com

Shows Main Idea – Have you ever been discouraged? Silly question, I know. You are human, and you have battled our discouraging foe. Finite people living in an uncontrollable, infinite world creates a formula that leads to despair. Throw sin into the mix, and discouragement is a guarantee. I suppose we should not be surprised things go wrong. We’re fallen people in a fallen world, so what do you expect? The “sin element” sends everything sideways. The result is that we become disappointed and discouraged, and sometimes when left unchecked, we can drift into depression.

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Life Over Coffee · Ep. 329 How to Persevere When Life Turns You Upside Down

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