48 Case Studies 42: The Troubled Teen

Case Study The Troubled Teen

Photo: ©Rido via Canva.com

When asked why she sought counseling, Mable explained that her teenage daughter was in rebellion. However, she was caught off guard when the counselor redirected the conversation to the state of their marriage—wondering why he would begin there.

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies 42: The Troubled Teen

Life Over Coffee Devotions

After some reflection, Mable admitted that her twenty-two-year marriage to Biff was marked by dishonor, a lack of respect, and anger issues. These patterns had been present since the early years of her relationship with Biff, and now their family was dealing with the fallout through their daughter’s rebellious behavior.

There is a strong and practical correlation between how married couples interact with each other and how their children learn to relate to others. While not every teenage problem is directly caused by parents, the family dynamic often plays a foundational role in shaping a child’s attitudes and responses. Mable and Biff’s struggles have more than likely influenced their child’s current rebellious behavior, making it essential for the parents to evaluate and address their relational dynamics.

The challenge in this situation is to help Mable and Biff recognize their influence on their daughter without enabling the child to view herself solely as a victim of their poor modeling.

Case Study Questions

  1. What questions would you ask the mom to draw out her and her husband’s role in the child’s rebellion?
  2. How would you acknowledge the parents’ culpability to the child but keep her from thinking she’s a victim of her parents’ poor modeling?

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