48 Case Studies 41: When Your Spear Stabs You

The Spear You Sharpen May Stab You In the Heart

Photo: ©JackF from Getty Images via Canva.com

Five years ago, Mable and Biff had a whirlwind dating relationship. They were impure, though they rationalized their behavior by marrying hastily. Friends expressed concerns but chose not to intervene, as the couple kept their distance from caring relationships.

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies 41: When Your Spear Stabs You

Life Over Coffee Devotions

Over time, Mable’s criticalness and insecurity fed into Biff’s desire for respect and affirmation. Four years into their marriage, Biff began a flirtatious relationship with another woman that, within six months, turned into an adulterous relationship. Biff’s sins are numerous, and he is fully responsible for his choices. However, through their counseling, Biff admitted and repented of his sins. Today, he is actively walking out repentance, demonstrating humility and life change. Those familiar with his story are inspired by the steps he is taking.

Mable, on the other hand, is not repentant. Her anger, accusations, and divisiveness dominate their relationship. She insists that Biff’s adultery is all his fault and refuses to consider how her criticalness and insecurity contributed to the relational dynamic. Her craving for approval created a strain on the marriage, but she remains blind to how these issues have impacted them. No one condones Biff’s actions, but it is evident to those involved that the destruction of their marriage has been a shared journey.

Case Study Questions

  1. With much detail, how would you counsel Mable?
  2. With much detail, how would you counsel Biff?

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