Watching Tiger – Watching Me

Watching Tiger - Watching Me

Photo: ©nortonrsx from Getty Images via Canva.com

(I first ran this article on November 30, 2009. On May 29, 2017, Tiger was arrested for suspicion of DUI.) Most people are aware of the ongoing and unfolding drama in the Tiger Woods home in Orlando, FL (November 27, 2009). If you have not, you can Google his name, and you’ll immediately find story upon story about his fall.

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This saga does not particularly interest me in the way the media is craving to learn more about his infidelity. To them, it’s entertainment and clickbait. I get that. It’s their job. For the Christian, the story is sad. You’re sad. I’m sad.

I’m sad, especially for his wife and kids. I’m sad for his fans, who hold him up as their role model and hero. No matter how you look at this story, it is a sad one.

It has also been sad to read some of the Christian chatter that has come across my social media feeds. Honestly, I was surprised. A man in sin is not something that needs our mocking or condescension. Tiger is in a trap (Galatians 6:1-2), and when I think of what has happened to Tiger, I also think of me.

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  • Tiger and I are sinners.
  • Tiger and I face temptations.
  • Tiger and I succumb to our temptations.
  • Tiger and I disappoint others.
  • Tiger and I need God.

The unique difference between Tiger and me is that God has regenerated me by His amazing and empowering grace! (I don’t know if God has regenerated Tiger.)

I would think that a Christian’s response to the fall of Tiger Woods would be distinctly different from the culture. We Christians have a tremendous opportunity before us to draw attention to the power of the gospel and the redemptive purposes of God that come from His gospel.

When Another Fell

People around the world are talking about Tiger’s fall. Several millennia ago another man fell, and when it happened, God had a far different response than what we see in the media. He implemented a plan to bring the gospel to bear as the answer to the problem of evil. See Genesis 3:15.

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As a Christian, I want my response to sin to be similar to my heavenly Father’s. Whether it is my sin or another’s sin, I have the opportunity to draw attention to the gospel. Should you find yourself at a water cooler conversation over the coming days, I appeal to you to resist the temptation to follow the world by mocking Tiger Woods and his sin. His fall is not a time for joking. Let those who have no hope do that.

Your hope and focus should be on something better. You can model something radically different. Your culture needs to see a distinct difference between Satan’s kids and God’s. That difference is a risen Savior who brings hope to the fallen!

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