48 Case Studies 39: No Thanks For Thanksgiving

Case Study No Thanks For Thanksgiving

Photo: ©beytlik from Pexels via Canva.com

This Thanksgiving is a particularly challenging milestone for Biff—it is his first holiday without his wife and children. Earlier this year, his 17-year marriage to Mable ended after years of mediocrity and unresolved conflict. Mable has custody of their three teenage sons, who blame Biff for the divorce.

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies 39: No Thanks for Thanksgiving

Life Over Coffee Devotions

Biff has been working to rebuild his life, repenting of his contributions to the marriage’s failure and re-establishing himself in his local church. While the church community recognizes his efforts, Biff struggles to find his place. He feels disconnected from his old friends, out of place in the singles group, and excluded from the married couples’ fellowship.

As Thanksgiving approaches, Biff’s loneliness intensifies. He is tempted to exaggerate his struggles to draw attention and sympathy. With most church families engaged in their plans or traveling, no one has invited him to join them for the holiday. Meanwhile, Mable and the boys are heading out of state to spend Thanksgiving with her parents.

Biff reached out to you for encouragement and guidance. He wants you to help him navigate his loneliness and resist the temptations toward self-pity. He also seeks practical advice on forming meaningful connections within his church during this challenging season of transition and isolation.

Case Study Questions

  1. What would you tell Biff?
  2. How would you help him theologically?
  3. What would be your practical advice for Biff?
  4. If you have had a similar experience, what would you have liked to have happened to you, or what did others do for you that helped you through your difficult time?
  5. If you have not, what would you hope would happen?

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