48 Case Studies 03: Exchanging Prisons

Case Study Exchanging Prisons From Singleness to Marriage

Photo: ©Antonina Owen from Getty Images via Canva.com

Mable, at 28, was single and deeply desired marriage. She had a degree, a great job, and a seemingly full life, but she felt an emptiness that she attributed to her singleness. Marriage, in her mind, was the next milestone she longed to achieve. You might say that Mable was the epitome of a goal-oriented lady.

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies: 3 Exchanging Prisons

Life Over Coffee Devotions

Although she assured her friends that she was not desperate, her thoughts and conversations often revolved around marriage. Scriptures about peace, contentment, loneliness, and God-fulfilling desires intertwined in her 
heart confusingly and subjectively, leaving her discouraged and impatient.

Eventually, Mable married Biff, believing he was the answer to her prayers. He seemed like a kind, godly man. However, after a year of marriage, Mable felt trapped, describing her situation as a “prison switch.” She traded the prison of singleness for what now felt like a never-ending, hopeless marriage. Additionally, Biff’s hidden sins surfaced early in their marriage:

  • Fear of others
  • Hypocrisy
  • Flirtatious behavior
  • Financial debt
  • Pornography
  • Materialism
  • A lack of close friends

Mable feels overwhelmed by her circumstances, uncertain of how to move forward in a marriage she cannot escape.

Case Study Questions

  1. What is Mable’s core sin issue? Why did you say that?
  2. How would you offer Mable hope?
  3. She can’t divorce Biff, so how would you help her practically?
  4. If you had an opportunity to guide her pastor, what would you tell him?

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