Ep. 441 How to Respond to a Fallen Christian Leader

Ep. 14 How to Respond to a Fallen Christian Leader

Photo: ©StefaNikolic from Getty Images Signature via Canva.com

Shows Main Idea – A reader asked, “When a leader falls, the church bags him up and throws him out. Can you comment on how to respond to a fallen Christian leader?” I assume there is hyperbole in the question to make a point because some churches are outstanding in how they care for those leaders captured by sin. However, the question is valid, and I will explore this essential issue that could come to any local church.

Show Notes

You may want to read:

Three Assessments

This podcast is not an exhaustive treatment for caring for a fallen leader. There are many links in these Show Notes, including the “You may want to read” section above, which will aid you as you gather the materials you need to provide comprehensive soul care for the fallen leader, family members, and the local church.

Primary Text

Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself (Galatians 6:1-3). (7 words for the caught person and 47 for the restorer)

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Care for Him

  • Assess the situation
    • He did not fall into sin: there is a long trail that led to the exposure.
    • What happened, and who is part of the problem?
  • Counsel the person
  • Search our site for how to care for a person struggling with sin.

Care for His Family

  • The silent sufferers
    • The fishbowl effect
    • Who is caring for the wife and children?
  • Discern the difference between cause and contribute.

Care for the Church

  • Be clear but not explicit about what happened and the plans for transformation.
  • Let the church know you take sin seriously.
  • May the process be an admonition and encouragement to the church body.

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Future Plan

  • The church should be the most transparent community outside of our families.
    • Imagine a hospital full of sick people, but the doctors, nurses, and patients are not talking to each other or helping each other.
  • If we cannot talk about what is wrong with us, there is a problem with us that has present and future complications.
  • The fallen leader had a secret sin. That sin matured in a church context, in plain sight.
  • I’m not condemning the church, but appealing to any Christian community (church or family) to address any sanctification weaknesses.
  • Assess your community to see what changes need to happen to create an environment of grace where folks are more transparent.

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