48 Case Studies 30: Present But Not Accounted For

Case Study Present But Not Accounted For

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The news of Biff and Mable’s teenage daughter’s pregnancy sent shockwaves through their local church. In response, the pastors recommended marriage counseling, which you agreed to provide.

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies 30: Present But Not Accounted For

Life Over Coffee Devotions

After four weeks of intensive counseling, several dynamics in their relationship began to surface:

  • Biff and Mable’s 19-year marriage was essentially an agreement to coexist, though neither of them explicitly acknowledged it.
  • Biff, instead of addressing his passivity, chose to escape through work, sports, and pornography. Mable, on the other hand, avoided being a biblical wife by immersing herself in ministry activities.
  • Their local church adopted a ministry-driven rather than relationally driven approach, which left them without meaningful support. The church’s philosophy was pragmatic and utilitarian, focusing on programs over people.

While Biff and Mable are accountable for how they live, their church bears responsibility for neglecting to provide supplemental care. Hebrews 13:17 reminds us that pastors are responsible for the shepherding and leadership they offer to their people.

The pastor calls you to discuss the counseling process. He asks how the church could have been more proactive in helping Biff and Mable, and seeks your advice on short-term and long-term changes to provide better care for his folks.

Case Study Questions

  1. How could the church have been more proactive in helping them?
  2. Write out a short-term plan for the pastor to implement.
  3. Write out a long-term plan for implementation.

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