Day 1 – Living Boldly: Embracing the God-centered Life

Day 1 - Living Boldly: Embracing the God-centered Life

Photo: ©Johnnyhetfield from Getty Images Signature via Canva.com

As you embark on this 31-day journey, consider six essential truths about life, God, and yourself. These truths are not just ideas to ponder but steps toward a more Christ-centered life. Pick the one that seems most challenging and make a plan to change. I share these with you in no particular order.

Life Over Coffee Devotions

For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps (1 Peter 2:21).

  1. Normal: Life often feels unfair. There’s a good chance you didn’t get the life you dreamed of or expected. That’s normal. We live in a broken world under the curse of sin—a curse you didn’t cause and a world you didn’t create. But God is not absent. He is actively working in the lives of those who trust Him. Will you trust His plan for your life, even when life seems disappointing? What would trust mean practically?
  2. Victim: You face a choice every day: Will you play the victim card or the responsibility card? Blaming others for your problems is easy—we all know how to do it, and—I suppose—we’re all guilty of doing it. But when you live in a state of blame, you remain stuck in bitterness. To be a victim is to carry sin, whether it’s your sin or others. God did not build us to carry sin perpetually. We have a gospel for that. Recognize your disappointments, then decide to let go and trust God to guide you into the next phase of your life.
  3. Responsible: Maturity requires taking responsibility for your life. This assumption means you must let go of past offenses and disappointments. Yes, others may have sinned against you, but holding onto resentment and unforgiveness will only hinder your growth. Will you step into maturity by choosing an attitude of forgiveness toward others and taking ownership of your walk with Christ?
  4. Choose: The Bible presents the ultimate question: “Is God’s Word true or false?” If you believe it is untrue, then following its instructions won’t make sense to you, and you won’t follow them consistently. But if you believe it’s true, you must surrender your preferences, align your life with Scripture, and trust God’s ways over your own. There are two paths before you: follow God or follow something else. Choose wisely.
  5. Hope: Your best life is not found in chasing the world’s ideas of success but in following God’s Word. It may not be the life you envisioned, but it will be the life God designed for your good, the benefit of others, and His fame. Will you embrace His plan and the hope He offers, even when it differs from your expectations?
  6. Opportunity: Every challenge is an opportunity to grow closer to Christ. What will you choose? What alternative path could be better than following the One who created and loves you? Every second provides an opportunity before you, and you will step into it. Take this time to consider: “Is there any opportunity greater than submitting to God’s Word and walking in His ways?” Take that next step for God’s fame and your good.

Time to Reflect

  1. Take a moment to think about these six truths. Which one seems the hardest for you to embrace? Maybe you struggle with trusting God’s plan, letting go of past offenses, or fully submitting to the Bible’s authority. Whatever it is, write it down.
  2. Now, make a plan to turn that challenge into an opportunity. Ask God for wisdom and strength to change. Talk to a trusted mentor or friend who can hold you accountable. Then, take the first step today.

Let’s live boldly, together trusting God to transform our lives, one step at a time.

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