Day 7 – Living Boldly: Your Mistakes Are Yours

Day 7 – Living Boldly: Your Mistakes Are Yours

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Today’s lesson is tough but essential: when you mess up, it’s no one’s fault but your own. It’s natural to want to blame others for our mistakes. Perhaps others are part of our mistakes or have influenced them. However, we cannot ignore our responsibility. We must not permit people’s problems to manage us. Adults struggle with owning their mistakes, so you’re not alone. But if your first instinct is to point fingers when things go wrong, it’s time to pause, recalibrate that mindset, and take responsibility. Owning your mistakes is a key step toward maturity and spiritual growth.

Life Over Coffee Devotions

For each will have to bear his own load (Galatians 6:5).

Anger and Its Root Cause

When things don’t go your way, how do you react? Complaining, whining, or grumbling might seem harmless, but they are subtle forms of anger. James 4:1-3 offers insight into this matter, asking, “What causes quarrels and fights among you?” The answer lies within you. James explains that sinful anger comes from unmet passions, desires, and coveting—internal and warring heart idols that reveal what you value most.

Instead of looking outward for someone to blame, ask yourself what your anger reveals about you. Sinful anger often surfaces when you don’t get what you want. Have you considered that not getting all you want might be the very thing God is using to shape you into the person He wants you to be?

Learning from Jesus’ Example

Even Jesus faced an “I’m not getting what I want” moment in the Garden of Gethsemane. As He prepared for the cross, He prayed, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done” (Luke 22:42). I’m not suggesting that Jesus made a mistake here or any mistakes at all. However, Jesus didn’t want to endure the pain of the cross, but He submitted His desires to His Father’s will.

His example is your best option when you’re struggling with anger or disappointment. You may not always get what you want, but you can choose to submit your life to God. When you do, your anger and angst will subside, and you’ll gain clarity on how to respond to life’s challenges.

Taking Responsibility

Owning your mistakes and submitting to God’s will are not easy steps, but they are necessary for growth. Blaming others keeps you stuck in an endless rut, while taking responsibility moves you forward. Instead of asking, “Who’s at fault?” ask, “What does this problem reveal about me?” and “How can I grow from this?” God will use sin sinlessly. Meaning that the sinful things that happen, whether your fault or others, can have redemptive and restorative purposes.

Time to Reflect

  1. What does your anger reveal about you? Is it pointing to a specific desire or expectation that you’ve placed above God’s will?
  2. Will you take the time to write out a specific and practical plan for change? Consider sharing it with a trusted mentor who can encourage and guide you.
  3. Take time today to examine your heart. Pray for God to show you areas where you need to grow, and trust Him to help you submit your life to His good and perfect plan.

Let’s live boldly, owning our mistakes and trusting God to work out all things for His glory and our good.

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