Ep. 458 Mark Grant Shares His Mastermind Training Experience

Ep. 32 Mark Grant’s Experience through Our Training Program

Photo: ©StefaNikolic from Getty Images Signature via Canva.com

Shows Main Idea – I sat down with Mark Grant to discuss his experience as he went through our Mastermind training program. Mark was our first student and graduate of our training. He later became one of our supervisors, teaching our students. Mark finished the coursework in fifteen months, which was the quickest anyone had completed the course. Most of our students finish within 24 and 36 months. I hope you benefit as he shares his training experience, what God did in him, and what life has been like since.

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What Others Are Saying

“I cannot tell you how many times I have been surprised, even to tears, by the encouragement, gentle directing, and overall kindness of the Mastermind leadership. I guess I expected what I have generally experienced — a façade of Christ-likeness that washes away at the first glimmers of imperfections that might tweak someone. Mastermind leadership models a kind of love that I haven’t often observed or experienced, the kind of love that can carry hard truths and train up rather than tear down. I appreciate that every Mastermind student has room to mess up and grow without having to weed through utterly dysfunctional methods. I appreciate being surprised and challenged to learn to live out the gospel in this way.” – Maureen

“Working through this Mastermind Course is perfect timing because of all the emphasis to examine my own heart before God, searching His Word for application, relying on the Holy Spirit to lead, and trusting in Christ to change me has made a huge difference in my thoughts, attitudes, actions, and speech. Even my husband said he sees a difference. What a joy!” – Cece

“Thank you, Brandi, for the very thorough review of my first book report. This program is already NOTHING like a previous online ACBC course I took years back. There was barely any oversight from the admins, which made it just a little too easy to skate by. That is ultimately one of the main reasons I quit on it. I didn’t really feel like it was preparing me very well to become a certified counselor. It’s when I realized that literally anyone could get certified if they just ‘did the work,’ even though they may not be gifted as such. I really wanted help trying to figure that out of myself, and that wasn’t helping at all.” – John

“Your ministry has catapulted me in personal growth and community service and connection, and my heart is grateful.” – Marcy

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“Thanks to what I have learned, I am in a much better position to minister. I have been praying for months about re-entering the program. I miss your one-on-one counsel and learning from Brandi and the others. Your ministry has been an incredible blessing since God led me to it. I wanted to let you know that what I learned in the brief time I was in the program has stayed with me. God continued to use what He taught me through your counsel to be a guide in my daily life and to help others.” – Stephanie

“Thank you for passing on the wisdom the Lord has given you to others. I have recently discovered your website and subscribed to your blog, and have begun using your resources in my job as a school counselor. My husband and I are both employed at a bilingual Christian school in Honduras, so thankfully, we have the liberty to share Christ and His Word with all of our students.” – Jennifer

“Rick does an amazing job connecting biblical solutions to everyday problems. I feel like I’ve gotten a first-class counseling session after every podcast. I have joined his community through his website and am considering taking his mastermind course.” – Leslie

“I can’t say thank you enough for all you’ve taught me in the very short time I’ve been in the [Mastermind] program. You’ve poured your life and love into this ministry, and it shows on every level. May God continue to richly bless you for your labor.” – Joan

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Shareable Quotes

  • Our training is not to make you a counselor but a better Christian.
  • The gospel is for your salvation and your sanctification.
  • The Bible is the best reference manual to describe the condition of man.
  • There is sweetness in relationships when they are transparent and honest.
  • Biblical counseling does not guarantee a resolution to your problems.
  • God is more dangerous than we care for Him to be.
  • Without a servant’s heart, you’ll be unable to do ministry well.
  • The gospel is an other-focused worldview and lifestyle.
  • Going through this training is one of my best accomplishments. – Mark Grant

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  1. If you want to learn more from us, you may search this site for thousands of resources—articles, podcasts, videos, graphics, and more. Please spend time studying the ones that interest you. They are free.
  2. If you want to talk to us, we have private forums for those who support this ministry financially. Please support us here if you want to help us keep our resources free.

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