48 Case Studies 36: She Buried Her Son 10 Years Ago

Case Study She Buried Her Son 10 Years Ago

Photo: ©RuslanGuzov Getty Images via Canva.com

Mable, a 59-year-old Christian woman, comes to you for counseling after enduring decades of profound suffering. Ten years ago, her second son was murdered by his wife, who shot him five times. Despite the brutality of the crime, the wife received only 300 hours of community service. Adding to the anguish are the lies during the trial, and a life insurance payout to the wife’s daughter—from a previous marriage—deepened her sense of injustice and betrayal.

Life Over Coffee · 48 Case Studies 36: She Buried Her Son Ten Years Ago

Life Over Coffee Devotions

Ten years before that tragedy, Mable buried her oldest son, who was also murdered. He had broken into a home, where the homeowner shot him in the head. The police deemed the case unworthy of further investigation, leaving Mable with unresolved anger and frustration.

Now, Mable wrestles with anger, bitterness, and gossip, struggling to reconcile these thoughts with her faith. Her Christianity provides a foundation, but it does not shape her thoughts in ways that bring peace or understanding. Instead, suffering clouds everything, leaving her unable to process her pain through a biblical lens. Mable seeks your help to find a way forward, but her suffering and ongoing anger present significant barriers to experiencing hope and restoration in Christ.

Case Study Questions

  1. What would you tell Mable?
  2. How would you proceed?
  3. How would you help her to guard her heart?
  4. What would be your temptations when counseling this lady?

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