Ep. 269 Huge Changes, and All the Reasons We’re Doing It

Ep. 269 Huge Changes, and All the Reasons We're Doing It

Photo: ©Brzozowska Getty Images Signature via Canva.com

Shows Main Idea – To change is one of the challenges, privileges, and opportunities for every Christian. We are unique that way: we can change for God’s fame, our good, and the benefit of others. An unchanging believer is problematic. With the Spirit’s discernment, the Word’s guidance, and a few friends “spurring you on,” there is room to grow. This concept applies to the individual, a marriage, a family, a church, an organization, and a business. Are you changing for the right reasons? We have just made a significant one.

RickThomas.Net · Ep. 269 Huge Changes, and All the Reasons We’re Doing It

Show Notes

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“Thank you, please give my thanks to your team. The articles and resources have been life-giving as I make sense of what God is doing right now. Thank you.” – Nathan

“Thank you, Rick, for this helpful article. My soul was brought to task and encouraged, reminded once again of the Lord’s kindness to his people. Your ministry continues to bless my life and I’m praying for you, your family, all the staff, and supporters of RickThomas.net. May you continue to spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and may He bring others alongside to support this work!” – Nancy

“I have been following you for decades, it seems. It was due to your articles that I decided to get a Biblical Counseling certificate through ICOC. It took two years through my church in Tokyo. I see a great need here in Japan for your material to be made in Japanese. My friend and I want to start a Christian counseling material/education/worship community center. I was so moved by your podcast today. I mean deeply that I am writing now. This may sound silly, but I desire to do a Rick Thomas Japan counseling. Maybe just giving us some advice would be great too as we are starting this next March. Thanks for reading this. God bless you.” – Leilani

  1. I recently announced that I have cut back on my article writing and Your Daily Drive podcast production. This change is effective immediately. For the past five years, I wrote three articles per week, with a podcast for each one. This change is because our user demographic has shifted from long-form article content to listening to podcasts and watching videos. There are other reasons, too. Our community’s increasing needs require me to devote more time to thinking/reflecting on how to help them more effectively. The writing process does not permit me to think.
  2. We have a solid base of articles, with audio for each one.
  3. Writing one per week will release me to do other things while adding to our article archive indefinitely.
  4. Our community needs more dialogue engagement, which is our forums. Articles, podcasts, videos, graphics, and social media platforms are monologue, unidirectional. I need to engage our people more often.
  5. We’re adding a more expensive but robust forum plugin to give our community a user-friendly and intuitive experience.
  6. Video production is the last leg on our three-legged resource offering—articles, podcasts, videos, and I must devote time to it.
  7. I need to devote more time to our Mastermind Students.
  8. We’re in the process of building ten modular topical studies, with a goal of one-hundred.
  9. Speaking events and book writing needs my attention.
  10. We have 12 other team members, and I need to devote more time caring for them.
  11. I will focus more on our Life Over Coffee network, which takes less time, and gives us more flexibility in resource offerings, i.e., evergreen content, case study topics, interviews, and time-dated material.
  12. If you want to keep up with all our latest resources, please go here:
    1. Weekly Article & News Update – http://eepurl.com/gejBEj
    2. Monthly Ministry Update – http://eepurl.com/gejBEr

Need More Help?

  1. If you want to learn more from us, you may search this site for thousands of resources—articles, podcasts, videos, graphics, and more. Please spend time studying the ones that interest you. They are free.
  2. If you want to talk to us, we have private forums for those who support this ministry financially. Please consider supporting us here if you would like to help us keep our resources free.

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