Welcome to the World of Mind Mapping!
Mind Mapping has been around for many years. It is a graphically designed art-technique that puts on paper what you are observing, along with a path forward. I have been using Mind Maps for years in counseling.
For example, in the Mind Map, “Small God Complex” (see pic below), I was listening to a couple talk about all the elements of what was wrong with the wife. As they were talking, too many things began to accumulate in my mind to where I could not keep up with the conversation. I began to write down all the things they were saying, and when they were done I built the “small god” Mind Map while in their presence, asking them along the way if I was hearing them correctly. They affirmed each aspect of the Map and when we were done, the Map was what we had.
Several months later I wrote an article to accompany the Mindmap (see Mind Mapping a Lady With a Small God), while changing the details of the article so it would not reflect that couple, though the Mind Map is a close representation to what we discussed during the counseling. I have found Mind Mapping to be an excellent resource when working with people through problems. I use MindNode, which works well with my Mac. There are scores of Mind Mapping software on the market today. Perhaps you will find a better one that suits you. The table below has several Mind Maps for your use. Many of them have accompanying articles to explain the Maps, which are in PDF and JPG formats for you. I hope these Maps prove to be a blessing to you and those you serve.
Eclectic Assortment of Mind Maps